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leHACK conferences lineup are the talks taking place on the conference main stage. ( Amphithéatre Gaston Berger )

05/07/2024 (d/m/Y)
12:45 > 14:00 leLUNCH
16:15 > 16:30 leBREAK
06/07/2024 (d/m/Y)
11:30 > 11:45 leBREAK
12:30 > 14:00 leLUNCH
16:15 > 16:30 leBREAK
18:45 > 19:00 leBREAK

Events details

05/07/2024 10:00 > 10:15 REVOLUTION!!! FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage MajinbooPsychoBilly
leHACK is 20 years old. We made a full temporal loop: a full revolution. Future is bright, phear the next revolution. Maybe it's time for an evaluation and to take a moment to congratulate ourselves.
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05/07/2024 10:15 > 11:00 Sending network boxes to the edge of the world for fun but mostly profit FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Clovis CARLIER - Joytide
Have you ever wanted a network device that's small enough to fit in your pocket but just powerful enough for your most challenging pentests? In this talk, I'll showcase a versatile implant based on an industrial Glinet router that you can send to the edge of the world for internal network penetration tests, red team ...
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05/07/2024 11:00 > 11:45 Phishing for Potential: The "RTFM" Guide to Hacking Your Brain-frame EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Kmelt
Openly neurodivergent and navigating a matrix of other personal challenges, K Melton's journey not only shatters conventional barriers but also embodies the realization of their mentor Winn Schwartau's long-standing hiring vision. Dismantling the "unhireable" notion, K reveals how unconventional talent can thrive if provided optimal operating conditions. This presentation goes beyond mere advocacy and memoir, ...
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05/07/2024 11:45 > 12:30 AI for Cybersecurity: Applying Machine Learning to Enhance Malware Analysis EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Solomon SONYA
Malware continues to increase in prevalence and sophistication. VirusTotal reported a daily submission of 2M+ malware samples. Of those 2 million malware daily submissions, over 1 million were unique malware samples. Successfully exploiting networks and systems has become a highly profitable operation for malicious threat actors. Traditional detection mechanisms including antivirus software fail to adequately ...
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05/07/2024 14:00 > 14:45 Découverte du groupe APT-C36 sur les réseaux d'une profession libérale réglementée FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Jessie
Depuis fin 2022, l'équipe forensics du CSIRT INQUEST analyse des attaques informatiques sur des entreprises de profession réglementée. Depuis cette date plus d'une quinzaine de cas ont été découverts. AprÚs diverses corrélations et à l'aide de leur base CTI enrichie avec leurs recherches, il s'avÚre que les attaques seraient menées par le groupe APT-C-36. Cette ...
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05/07/2024 14:45 > 15:30 Lock designs and security vulnerabilities: What can go wrong EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Marc TOBIAS
Locks, whether mechanical, electro-mechanical, or electronic, are complicated and are designed to protect people, assets, and information. Manufacturers and designers continue to miss vulnerabilities in what they produce, which can lead to insecurity and compromise. Marc Tobias will discuss critical areas that are analyzed in his new book on the subject, and what security experts ...
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05/07/2024 15:30 > 16:15 Physical intrusion: Defeating On-Site Security FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Nicolas AUNAY - joker2aLĂ©o RENSON-MIQUEL - eL0_
Aujourd'hui, l'intrusion physique est devenue un sujet de plus en plus abordé dans le domaine du Pentest/Red Team. Mais quelles sont les implications concrÚtes de cette pratique ? Comment se prépare-t-on pour une mission de ce type ? Souvent négligée, cette facette de la sécurité présente pourtant des risques majeurs pour les entreprises. Dans ce ...
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05/07/2024 16:30 > 17:15 The Metawar Thesis: How To Adapt to and Coexist with the Technologies We Have Created EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Winn SCHWARTAU
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” (Kierkegaard) At Le Hack 2023, Winn Schwartau introduced us to The Art & Science of Metawar: Reality Distortion, Dis-information Warfare, Cognitive Infrastructure Manipulation, and Hacking Control of the Human Experience for ...
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05/07/2024 17:15 > 18:00 Prism, a light BEAM disassembler FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Virtualabs
BEAM (Bogdan/Björn's Erlang Abstract Machine) is a virtual machine designed by Ericsson used to run Erlang applications. We ran into such an application during an assignment and had to disassemble it as well as many libraries, and discovered that the existing tools do not produce a correct and complete disassembly. A lot of valuable information ...
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05/07/2024 18:00 > 18:45 Supply Chain Attack : Le cas du Registre Privé Docker FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Geoffrey SAUVAGEOT-BERLAND - archidote
Docker est aujourd'hui un outil de conteneurisation incontournable, largement adoptĂ© dans le dĂ©veloppement logiciel. Cette expansion a soulignĂ© l'importance de sĂ©curiser tous les composants associĂ©s, comme le registre privĂ© Docker. Alternative au Docker Hub public, c’est une plateforme open-source oĂč les dĂ©veloppeurs peuvent stocker, gĂ©rer et distribuer leurs applications localement. HĂ©las, la documentation officielle et ...
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05/07/2024 18:45 > 19:30 S.E. with A.I. & Defending against it with H.I. EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Jayson STREET
A.I. may be seen as a cost-effective way to replace workers. We will look closer however and discover the uncomfortable truth behind A.I. and what really powers it. We will also discover how to harness the hidden power propping up A.I. for ourselves & our company’s security. One of the biggest, most advanced, and adaptive ...
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06/07/2024 10:00 > 10:45 The Red and the Blue: a tale of stealth and detection FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Elias ISSA - shadow_gatt
With the evolution of attack surfaces, attacker skills, zero-day exploits and supply chain attacks, it is no longer possible to solely rely on prevention to ensure a company's security. Therefore, it is crucial to use detection mechanisms, as well as response and investigation capabilities. After an overview of Red Team operations and the ecosystem of ...
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06/07/2024 10:45 > 11:30 Be better than the hacktivist: Structure a campagne of Bruteforce on OT equipment in the internet FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Erwan CORDIER - biero
This talk is an attempt to reconstruct the technical approach that hacktivists might take to industrial control equipment. The talk is divided into 4 main parts The importance of using an isolated environment to test this exploit, with the example of an OT lab setup. Explanations of the operating principles of a PLC, and the ...
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06/07/2024 11:45 > 12:30 Enhancing Training and Pentesting tasks with LLMs: what can and can’t be done FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage JĂ©rĂ©mie AMSELLEM - Lp1
Au cours de ce talk nous explorerons en détail l'usage de LLMs dans le cadre du pentest et de la formation en sécurité informatique ainsi que leurs limites. C'est un retour d'expérience sur la création d'agents conversationnels permettant de remplacer des quizz ou de faire des exercices de phishing, d'assistants IA connaissant les documentations d'outils ...
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06/07/2024 14:00 > 14:45 Trouver sa place dans l'infosec FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Charlie BROMBERG - Shutdown
Aaaaah l'infosec... Ce milieu truffĂ© de codes, d’histoire, de choses Ă  savoir, d'opportunitĂ©s et de risques. Ce talk, non technique, a pour objectif de partager tout ce que j'aurais aimĂ© savoir Ă  mes dĂ©buts, dans la limite de mes connaissances et de mon d’objectivitĂ© (ou manque de) : Ă©tudes, job, freelance, salaires, communautĂ©(s), mindset, ressources, ...
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06/07/2024 14:45 > 15:30 Hacking Satellites: From SDR to RCE. FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Salim LARGO - 2ourc3
Durant cette conférence, nous explorerons les faiblesses des systÚmes de satellites et les méthodes pour les exploiter. Nous partirons des bases, en présentant les satellites et leurs vecteurs d'attaque, pour ensuite explorer le potentiel des attaques par radio, ainsi que la recherche de vulnerabilité et leur exploitation.
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06/07/2024 15:30 > 16:15 Exploration of Cellular Based IoT Technology EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Deral HEILAND
As cellular technologies continue to become more integrated into IoT devices, there has been a noticeable lag in comprehending potential security implications associated with cellular hardware technologies. Furthermore, the development of effective hardware testing methodologies has also fallen behind. Given the highly regulated nature of cellular communication and the prevalent use of encryption, it is ...
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06/07/2024 17:15 > 18:00 Take your revenge on this fucking EDR FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Processus
AprÚs avoir un talk l'année derniÚre sur quelques techniques de contournement d'EDR (unhooking, direct syscalls), cette fois-ci nous nous focaliserons sur l'obfuscation et la post-exploitation, et nous verrons comment extraire les hash du domaine sans déclencher d'alertes au niveau de l'EDR et du SIEM !
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06/07/2024 18:00 > 18:45 OSINT et journalisme FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Antoine CHAMPAGNEShaman est un journal qui a été co-fondé par un expert en sécurité informatique et un journaliste. Aujourd'hui les actionnaires sont des journalistes et des "informaticiens talentueux". Nous mettons donc en place des outils numériques d'aide à l'investigation novateurs. Dans cette conférence, Reflets présentera deux d'entre eux. L'un sert à indexer de trÚs gros lots ...
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06/07/2024 19:00 > 19:45 Insert coin: Hacking arcades for fun EN Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Ignacio NAVARRO
Since we were children we wanted to go to the arcade and play for hours and hours for free. How about we do it now? In this talk I’m gonna show you some vulnerabilities that I discovered in the cashless system of one of the biggest companies in the world, with over 2,300 installations across ...
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06/07/2024 19:45 > 20:30 Clés incopiables : contournements, exceptions et paradoxes FR Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage Alexandre TRIFFAULT - MrJackJean-Christophe CUNIASSE - vidoQ
On nous parle souvent de clés brevetées, clés incopiables, à reproduction interdite ou encore de clés de sécurité. Mais qu'en est-il réellement ? Certaines clés on des billes, des aimants, des anneaux, ou encore des goupilles mobiles. Est-ce que cela complique le crochetage, l'impressionning, ou les autres techniques d'ouverture ? Et surtout, est-ce que l'utilisateur ...
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