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Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 10:00 > 10:15
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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leHACK is 20 years old. We made a full temporal loop: a full revolution. Future is bright, phear the next revolution. Maybe it’s time for an evaluation and to take a moment to congratulate ourselves.

Sending network boxes to the edge of the world for fun but mostly profit

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 10:15 > 11:00
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Have you ever wanted a network device that’s small enough to fit in your pocket but just powerful enough for your most challenging pentests? In this talk, I’ll showcase a versatile implant based on an industrial Glinet router that you can send to the edge of the world for internal network penetration tests, red team ops, and physical intrusions. Let us tackle environmental challenges and logistical constraints with a router the size of a smartphone and the computing power of a toaster. Plus, it comes with a tool to bypass 802.1X.

Phishing for Potential: The “RTFM” Guide to Hacking Your Brain-frame

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 11:00 > 11:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Brain hack

Openly neurodivergent and navigating a matrix of other personal challenges, K Melton’s journey not only shatters conventional barriers but also embodies the realization of their mentor Winn Schwartau’s long-standing hiring vision. Dismantling the “unhireable” notion, K reveals how unconventional talent can thrive if provided optimal operating conditions.

This presentation goes beyond mere advocacy and memoir, offering practical tools for individuals and leadership alike. K will guide the audience through creating their own “user manual” – a dynamic blueprint for understanding and optimizing one’s unique working style and needs. Whether you are looking to debug your workflow, optimize your cognitive OS, or hack your brainframe, this manual can be crucial for self-discovery and advocacy, as well as an invaluable resource for leaders to enable high-performance diverse teams.

AI for Cybersecurity: Applying Machine Learning to Enhance Malware Analysis

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 11:45 > 12:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Malware continues to increase in prevalence and sophistication. VirusTotal reported a daily submission of 2M+ malware samples. Of those 2 million malware daily submissions, over 1 million were unique malware samples. Successfully exploiting networks and systems has become a highly profitable operation for malicious threat actors. Traditional detection mechanisms including antivirus software fail to adequately detect new and varied malware. Artificial Intelligence provides advanced capabilities that can enhance cybersecurity. The purpose of this talk is to deliver a new framework that uses Machine Learning models to analyze malware, produce uniform datasets for additional analysis, and classify malicious samples into malware families. Additionally, this research presents a new Ensemble Classification Facility we developed that leverages several Machine Learning models to enhance malware classification. To our knowledge, this is the first research that utilizes Machine Learning to provide enhanced classification of an entire 200+ gigabyte-malware family corpus consisting of 80K+ unique malware samples and 70+ unique malware families. New, labeled datasets are released to aid in future classification of malware. It is time we leverage the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to enhance detection and classification of malware. This talk provides a pathway to incorporate Artificial Intelligence into the automated malware analysis domain.
Other Information

This presentation starts with the motivation of why we need Artificial Intelligence to help enhance malware analysis. Then we move into understanding Machine Learning models. From there, we understand how we can write small code stubs to automate malware analysis. We next proceed into live demos that teach how to process the data and standardize the features for our Machine Learning pipeline. We’ll cover model evaluation and then review results of how our Machine Learning models are able to classify malware. We will highlight our results and advancements how malware is classified by our framework.


Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 12:45 > 14:00
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage

Découverte du groupe APT-C36 sur les réseaux d’une profession libérale réglementée

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 14:00 > 14:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Depuis fin 2022, l’équipe forensics du CSIRT INQUEST analyse des attaques informatiques sur des entreprises de profession réglementée. Depuis cette date plus d’une quinzaine de cas ont été découverts.

Après diverses corrélations et à l’aide de leur base CTI enrichie avec leurs recherches, il s’avère que les attaques seraient menées par le groupe APT-C-36. Cette présentation vous présentera le premier cas et l’évolution de leur méthodologie ainsi que les IOC ayant permis la corrélation avec ce groupe d’attaquants.

Lock designs and security vulnerabilities: What can go wrong

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 14:45 > 15:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Locks, whether mechanical, electro-mechanical, or electronic, are complicated and are designed to protect people, assets, and information. Manufacturers and designers continue to miss vulnerabilities in what they produce, which can lead to insecurity and compromise. Marc Tobias will discuss critical areas that are analyzed in his new book on the subject, and what security experts should look for to discover methods of compromise.

Physical intrusion: Defeating On-Site Security

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 15:30 > 16:15
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Aujourd’hui, l’intrusion physique est devenue un sujet de plus en plus abordé dans le domaine du Pentest/Red Team.

Mais quelles sont les implications concrètes de cette pratique ? Comment se prépare-t-on pour une mission de ce type ?

Souvent négligée, cette facette de la sécurité présente pourtant des risques majeurs pour les entreprises. Dans ce talk, nous plongerons dans les profondeurs de l’intrusion physique et fournirons des réponses à ces questions.

Enfin, nous partagerons les leçons apprises lors de nos trois dernières missions sur le terrain.


Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 16:15 > 16:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage

The Metawar Thesis: How To Adapt to and Coexist with the Technologies We Have Created

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 16:30 > 17:15
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” (Kierkegaard)

At Le Hack 2023, Winn Schwartau introduced us to The Art & Science of Metawar: Reality Distortion, Dis-information Warfare, Cognitive Infrastructure Manipulation, and Hacking Control of the Human Experience for God & Country, Power & Profit. At Le Hack 2024, he will walk us through the complete Metawar Thesis and offer some insights on how humanity can mount cognitive defenses. Metawar is the art and science of creating believable experiences to influence, alter, and define your sense of reality. It is the battle for control over your identity, sense of truth, and belief systems outside your conscious awareness. On the global stage, metawar represents the 6th domain of warfare. The metawar thesis is quite straightforward:

Storytelling => Is fundamental to human communications and ideally creates an Immersive Experience = > which brings the audience inside the story. It relies upon Reality Distortion => to make the narrative convincing by the use of TMI/Information-Overload/Disinformation = > to form mental images through which the story is told. Using Manipulation => the participants’ worldview and belief systems are altered. Reward => systems target the human mind with digital opioids developing an Addiction => to the narrative. The storyteller can then induce behaviors Compliance => through repetition and fear. That is how to create undying, absolute Belief.

Humanity was not built to survive technology; we were only built to survive nature. In the last seventy years, we have terraformed a global cognitive infrastructure that is evolving to be an existential threat to humanity.

• Abuse of Personally Identifiable Behavior (Tech predicts human reactions)
• TMI/Information Overload (Mental DOS/DDoS, confusion)
• Tech Anxiety/Stress (FOMO, distraction, battery/power, acceptance)
• Digital Addiction (Big Tech profit-induced dopamine, emotional)
• The Algorithm (AI, Giving up decision-making, exploiting PIB, closing the loop)

The Metawar Thesis employs the latest neuroscience and psychological research. It offers ways to strengthen our mental immune systems using the fundamentals of cybersecurity as a guide.

Humanity must learn to adapt to and coexist with the technologies we have created. Get ready for a ride that questions what it means to be a human and how much agency you really have.

With metawar, reality is only a keystroke away.

Prism, a light BEAM disassembler

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 17:15 > 18:00
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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BEAM (Bogdan/Björn’s Erlang Abstract Machine) is a virtual machine designed by Ericsson used to run Erlang applications. We ran into such an application during an assignment and had to disassemble it as well as many libraries, and discovered that the existing tools do not produce a correct and complete disassembly. A lot of valuable information is lost in the process (cross-references and some type information) that makes the analysis of the disassembled code a nightmare, and the VM architecture makes it worse.

In this talk, we will introduce the BEAM VM and its internals, expose the reasons that led us to develop a disassembler and discuss the difficulties caused by the virtual machine architecture. We will demonstrate how our disassembler may help with batch- processing and cross-modules analysis, and how the produced disassembly makes a difference compared to the other tools.

Supply Chain Attack : Le cas du Registre Privé Docker

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 18:00 > 18:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Docker est aujourd’hui un outil de conteneurisation incontournable, largement adopté dans le développement logiciel. Cette expansion a souligné l’importance de sécuriser tous les composants associés, comme le registre privé Docker. Alternative au Docker Hub public, c’est une plateforme open-source où les développeurs peuvent stocker, gérer et distribuer leurs applications localement. Hélas, la documentation officielle et de nombreux articles en ligne ne sensibilisent pas suffisamment les utilisateurs à la nécessité de sécuriser le registre dès sa mise en place. En effet, sa configuration par défaut est vulnérable, car elle permet notamment un accès anonyme sans contrôle d’accès. Cette étude expose donc une Supply Chain Attack qui vise une application hébergée sur un registre privé Docker, dans le but de compromettre son cycle de développement. Enfin, des contre-mesures seront présentées pour atténuer cette menace.

S.E. with A.I. & Defending against it with H.I.

Date: 05/07/2024
Time: 18:45 > 19:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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A.I. may be seen as a cost-effective way to replace workers. We will look closer however and discover the
uncomfortable truth behind A.I. and what really powers it. We will also discover how to harness the hidden power propping up A.I. for ourselves & our company’s security.

One of the biggest, most advanced, and adaptive Intrusion Detection Systems available has been hiding in plain sight. Why isn’t it being implemented? Widespread failure on the part of Information Security &
Management. We will pinpoint the systemic flaws and learn how to ensure correct and effective
implementation and maintenance of our most powerful tool to fight illicit artificial intelligence: Human

The Red and the Blue: a tale of stealth and detection

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 10:00 > 10:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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With the evolution of attack surfaces, attacker skills, zero-day exploits and supply chain attacks, it is no longer possible to solely rely on prevention to ensure a company’s security. Therefore, it is crucial to use detection mechanisms, as well as response and investigation capabilities.

After an overview of Red Team operations and the ecosystem of Blue Team defenses, we dive into complexity of stealth, detection, and response strategies. Real-world feedbacks and examples highlighting common Blue Team errors, blind spots in cybersecurity defense, and lessons learned from cybersecurity incidents will be presented.

This talk would be the opportunity for Red Teamers and pentesters to gain a better understanding of the concept of stealth and adapt their approaches accordingly. Blue Teamers will gain valuable insights to strengthen their organization’s defense capabilities. Additionally, professionals across various roles and industries will gain a comprehensive overview of stealth and detection concerns.

Be better than the hacktivist: Structure a campagne of Bruteforce on OT equipment in the internet

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 10:45 > 11:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Kenneth Camaro

This talk is an attempt to reconstruct the technical approach that hacktivists might take to industrial control equipment.

The talk is divided into 4 main parts

The importance of using an isolated environment to test this exploit, with the example of an OT lab setup.

Explanations of the operating principles of a PLC, and the choice of attack surface, as well as the attack itself.

The search for vulnerable equipment on the Internet using several tools, and the use of OSINT APIs. With a second verification of the existence of the equipment.

Comparison of the approach with other activist groups, and an attempt at market research.


Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 11:30 > 11:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage

Enhancing Training and Pentesting tasks with LLMs: what can and can’t be done

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 11:45 > 12:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Au cours de ce talk nous explorerons en détail l’usage de LLMs dans le cadre du pentest et de la formation en sécurité informatique ainsi que leurs limites.

C’est un retour d’expérience sur la création d’agents conversationnels permettant de remplacer des quizz ou de faire des exercices de phishing, d’assistants IA connaissant les documentations d’outils et les méthodologies d’audit, d’outils d’analyse de code et de génération de payloads et autres !


Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 12:30 > 14:00
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage

Trouver sa place dans l’infosec

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 14:00 > 14:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Aaaaah l’infosec… Ce milieu truffé de codes, d’histoire, de choses à savoir, d’opportunités et de risques. Ce talk, non technique, a pour objectif de partager tout ce que j’aurais aimé savoir à mes débuts, dans la limite de mes connaissances et de mon d’objectivité (ou manque de) : études, job, freelance, salaires, communauté(s), mindset, ressources, etc.

Hacking Satellites: From SDR to RCE.

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 14:45 > 15:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Durant cette conférence, nous explorerons les faiblesses des systèmes de satellites et les méthodes pour les exploiter. Nous partirons des bases, en présentant les satellites et leurs vecteurs d’attaque, pour ensuite explorer le potentiel des attaques par radio, ainsi que la recherche de vulnerabilité et leur exploitation.

Exploration of Cellular Based IoT Technology

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 15:30 > 16:15
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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As cellular technologies continue to become more integrated into IoT devices, there has been a noticeable lag in comprehending potential security implications associated with cellular hardware technologies. Furthermore, the development of effective hardware testing methodologies has also fallen behind. Given the highly regulated nature of cellular communication and the prevalent use of encryption, it is imperative for security researchers to deepen their understanding of circuit design and the integration of cellular modems into IoT devices. In this presentation, I will introduce a wide-ranging testing and analysis methodology aimed at enhancing our understanding and evaluation of the security of IoT devices that currently rely on cellular communications. This methodology will encompass an examination of various cellular modem modules in use, their integration into circuit design, and hardware hacking techniques for interacting with communication circuits to control cellular modules, all for the purpose of security testing and analysis.


Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 16:15 > 16:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage

A praise to laziness (or why hackers are awesome people) !

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 16:30 > 17:15
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Nous sommes tous plus ou moins paresseux. On utilise désormais des IA pour générer des textes relativement longs à partir de courts prompts, car rédiger est juste ennuyeux. On demande à ChatGPT de simplifier un long texte car on n’a pas envie de tout lire. On copie/colle du code de StackOverflow au lieu de comprendre comment ça fonctionne, et on introduit parfois des vulnérabilités dans des applications. Mais quand on y pense, tous ces systèmes n’ont-ils pas été créés par des fainéants qui voulaient se simplifier la vie et celles des autres ?

Dans ce talk, nous allons parler d’un moteur essentiel propre aux hackers et aux développeurs: la paresse ! Et nous verrons par l’exemple comment la volonté de se simplifier la vie amène généralement à se prendre la tête, à se confronter à de nombreux problèmes, à s’arracher les cheveux sur des problèmes que l’on n’aurait jamais eu si on n’avait pas été aussi fainéant. Ce qui est complètement paradoxal, car à la base il s’agissait de se simplifier la vie !

Take your revenge on this fucking EDR

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 17:15 > 18:00
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Après avoir un talk l’année dernière sur quelques techniques de contournement d’EDR (unhooking, direct syscalls), cette fois-ci nous nous focaliserons sur l’obfuscation et la post-exploitation, et nous verrons comment extraire les hash du domaine sans déclencher d’alertes au niveau de l’EDR et du SIEM !

OSINT et journalisme

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 18:00 > 18:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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defining-osint-blog est un journal qui a été co-fondé par un expert en sécurité informatique et un journaliste. Aujourd’hui les actionnaires sont des journalistes et des “informaticiens talentueux”. Nous mettons donc en place des outils numériques d’aide à l’investigation novateurs. Dans cette conférence, Reflets présentera deux d’entre eux. L’un sert à indexer de très gros lots de données et en faire ressortir les pépites (voir L’autre permet de visualiser en quelques clics les liens capitalistiques entre entreprises et entre particuliers. Le premier de ces outils va un peu plus loin que l’OSINT (périmètre journalistique).


Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 18:45 > 19:00
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage

Insert coin: Hacking arcades for fun

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 19:00 > 19:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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Since we were children we wanted to go to the arcade and play for hours and hours for free. How about we do it now? In this talk I’m gonna show you some vulnerabilities that I discovered in the cashless system of one of the biggest companies in the world, with over 2,300 installations across 70 countries, from arcades in Brazil, amusement parks in the United Arab Emirates to a famous roller coaster in Las Vegas. We will talk about API security, access control and NFC among other things.

Clés incopiables : contournements, exceptions et paradoxes

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 19:45 > 20:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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On nous parle souvent de clés brevetées, clés incopiables, à reproduction interdite ou encore de clés de sécurité. Mais qu’en est-il réellement ?

Certaines clés on des billes, des aimants, des anneaux, ou encore des goupilles mobiles. Est-ce que cela complique le crochetage, l’impressionning, ou les autres techniques d’ouverture ?
Et surtout, est-ce que l’utilisateur est vraiment protégé contre la copie illicite de ses clés ?
(ou bien est-ce que cela protège surtout le fabricant ?)

Certaines clés sont protégées par brevet (pour combien de temps ?), par marque/dessin/modèle (avec quelle efficacité ?), ou tout simplement par obscurité (autant dire, pas grand chose…)

Dans cette conférence, nous allons présenter un éventail de modèles utilisés en France et en Europe, et exposer certaines des méthodes qui peuvent être utilisées par des personnes malveillantes si vous ne protégez pas votre précieux sésame.

Venez découvrir certaines de nos techniques avec mise en pratique pendant la conférence !

MrJack & Q

OSINT Challenge Prize Ceremony

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 20:30 > 20:45
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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The OSINT challenge game will come to an end with the reward ceremony.

Qui veut veut gagner des bitcoins ?

Date: 06/07/2024
Time: 21:30 > 23:30
Location: Zone 1 - Gaston Berger conference stage
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The return of our hit JEOPARDY contest, presented by @virtualab.

More information on the dedicated page – Click here

Dernières Nouvelles

Call for Papers has ended!

We received a large number of submissions, bear with us while we’re scooping across the stack!
We’ll update you on your submission status ASAP!

Thank you!


Early Birds had been raffled!

STANDARD TICKETS are still available but flying away, quick!


leHACK 2024 CFP is opened!

For the 20th year, leHACK will host a prestigious talk lineup.

Wether you are a security researcher, a hacker,a freak, or a unicorn, you can come on stage and share your unique knowledge with your pairs.

Si vous voulez présenter un talk @ leHACK2024, RTFM