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Code of conduct

leHACK is a festive and inclusive event, dealing with information security and hacking.

This means that we welcome all kind of diversity and we put everything in place for participant to enjoy a secure and respectful environment.

For this purpose, we will not tolerate from people participating to the event any kind of harassment, hateful speech or incitement to hatred, troll, intimidation, verbal or physical violent acts, deterioration, theft, and more globally any criminal act, in any space of the event (on-site and online) or in the vicinity of the event. Harassment can be verbal, written, behavioral or pictorial and include all racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, sexually inappropriate or religiously discriminatory communication, behavioral or pictorial and more globally what falls in its legal definition.

“Jokes”, “quick-wittedness”,  “freedom of speech” will not be accepted as justifications or excuses to the conducts previously mentioned.

If you are victim of a non-tolerated behavior, please come to a person responsible of the site security or an organizer that can be recognized with their T-Shirt and/or STAFF badge.

Alcohol consumption is authorized to the extent that it stay reasonable and in accordance to limits previously described.

All spaces of leHACK are privatized and we reserve the right to exclude definitively and without any compensation whoever would be in violation of this code of coduct.

We are guest of the spaces we are using. Thanks for being respectful and do not modify the electronic hardware, software and infrastructure.

You are responsible of your belongings. For this reason, organizers cannot be held responsible in case of loss or theft.

Should you have any questions or remarks linked to the code of conduct, you can contact the organizer via the Twitter account @_leHACK_ or by mail at contact[a]

Last News

leHACK 2025 – The singularity

The technological singularity—or simply the singularity—is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.

This moment is near.

But before the androids break the ASIMOV LAWS and take over our inferior human lives, we would like to throw a last party, that is leHACK 2025.

leHACK will take place on 27 & 28 of june (+all night on 28th), 2025 in Paris.
We call all hackers, worldwide, to join us and file their talk proposal.

–> leHACK 2025 CFP <!–