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leHACK Conferences & workshops 📅 iCal

Open source toolings to help analysts day-to-day activities – from AIL project to MISP 🇬🇧

Time: 15:30 > 16:30
Location: Zone 3 - Louis Armand - Osint Village

Data Mining, Darknet, and Social Network Monitoring are critical components of modern threat intelligence and security operations. The AIL Project is an open source framework designed to collect, crawl, dig, and analyze unstructured data from various sources. With its extensible Python-based framework, AIL can analyze unstructured data collected via an advanced Crawler manager or from different feeders such as PasteBin-alike sites, Twitter, Discord, Telegram Stream providers, or custom feeders.

AIL supports active crawling of Tor hidden services, protected websites and forums with pre-recorded session cookies. Its modular design allows for easy contribution and extension, enabling the addition of new Analyzer modules, feeders, or streams without the need to know the inner workings. The framework also has integrations with other open source projects such as MISP or cve-search. AIL project is a nice companion with other OSINT tooling to support intelligence analysis or proactive monitoring or gathering insights from different topics.

This presentation will focus on the latest version of the AIL framework (v5.0) and its new features. Attendees will learn about the following:- An overview of the modular design of AIL and its extensibility through Analyzer modules, feeders, and exporters.- Demonstrations of how the new features can be used in practice, including practical examples of investigating Tor hidden services and other sources of data.- Best practices for data collection and analysis with AIL, including performance optimization techniques and integration with other open source projects such as MISP.

The audience will learn how AIL can help you with your data analysis and threat detection needs. The goal is also to gather new ideas to improve the open source tools and create new collection/analysis concepts.

Alexandre Dulaunoy - CIRCL

Alexandre Dulaunoy encountered his first computer in the eighties, and he disassembled it to know how the thing works. While pursuing his logical path towards information security and free software, he worked as senior security network consultant at different places (e.g. Ubizen, now Cybertrust). He co-founded a startup called Conostix, which specialised in information security management. For the past 6 years, he was the manager of global information security at SES, a leading international satellite operator. He is now working at CIRCL in the research and operational fields. He is also a lecturer in information security at Paul-Verlaine University in Metz and the University of Luxembourg. He is also the lead developer of various open source tools including cve-search and member of the MISP core team.


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