We received a large number of submissions, bear with us while we’re scooping across the stack!
We’ll update you on your submission status ASAP!
Thank you!
Disinformation has flooded social networks.
Once posted, it is sometimes too late to react. Investigating open sources infrastructure can help anticipate the threat. This presentation will present a return of experience on the interest of such investigations.
Hervé Letoqueux, Head of Operations at Viginum.
We received a large number of submissions, bear with us while we’re scooping across the stack!
We’ll update you on your submission status ASAP!
Thank you!
Early Birds had been raffled!
STANDARD TICKETS are still available but flying away, quick!
For the 20th year, leHACK will host a prestigious talk lineup.
Wether you are a security researcher, a hacker,a freak, or a unicorn, you can come on stage and share your unique knowledge with your pairs.