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Wargame Results


1 Thales3575
2 @everyone3375
3 RhackgondALL2975
4 Shellogg’s2975
5 Forsetty, SDN, C2S & Co.2575
6 _azgar2375
7 Zenk-Security_NeverDie2125
8 TFH2075
9 BypaSS2075
10 111der1925
11 LesKomodosArdents1875
12 MathisHammel1875
13 Breiz’Hell1825
14 MhackGyver1600
15 DGANSSI1475
16 xbc21cve1450
17 FuzzingMyGF1450
18 kriooxx1450
19 UwU1425
20 IDY1375
21 CacaDansLeUber1375
22 R00TUS3R1350
23 QSec1325
24 deadbaaf1275
25 c4rre1275
26 hack’utt1275
27 kr/AK/en1275
28 LesChaumeursDuDimanchee1275
29 zipou1250
30 bacto1250
31 -FR-HACK-ACE-1225
32 HackUwU1225
33 10kpointsbutsingle1200
34 Deadows1175
35 Robert201175
36 jo290411175
37 Zeynn1175
38 TeamRocket1100
39 SayHiPayHigh1075
40 ElPanino26001075
41 Protyro1075
42 toille21025
43 unit411025
44 BillyIT1000
45 Hackvens975
46 ThaySan950
47 Cous950
49 souley175900
50 Exar900
51 /bin/ouze900
52 Bharal900
53 NozZy900
54 Echo900
55 Zarby850
56 kota31850
57 n4stry850
58 Hashe83800
59 fncf0x800
60 yay4n750
61 TFG CTF700
62 Le££e675
63 vinsout675
65 Aspheric_650
66 Silou650
67 generalCluster625
68 notjulien575
69 BonjourMadame550
70 razed550
71 cemos550
72 Miyako117550
73 Faelian550
74 Vanilor550
75 Akira525
76 Izac525
77 Beuseh525
78 Franck-Jeager525
79 Warkann_500
80 CézarioSs500
81 Pr.McGonnaHack500
82 Noflex500
83 txb500
84 Seimu500
85 Zarmagedon475
86 Lun450
87 Ak3la450
88 Maestran450
89 Hacktimel450
90 bnk450
91 PEDRO425
92 R3k4sun425
93 zorro425
94 zor4n400
95 wire400
96 aaSSfxxx400
97 Lino400
98 Scream400
99 CrustyNeko400
100 _ang3L400
101 rmess400
102 0x90r00t400
103 kalif400
104 titanic3400
105 GliItaliani400
106 hypnosys375
107 pateosucre375
108 SemiCrousti350
109 shade350
110 b6e4n350
111 fxoverflow350
112 daito350
113 0xBlueSky350
114 Nurza350
115 matroc350
116 Zenitude350
117 xdjibi325
118 wellyas325
119 aisenp300
120 Alfanor300
121 chrisrdlg_300
122 toniaukss300
123 moicoucou300
124 St0n14300
125 42touristes300
126 ZertyCraftt300
127 SBE300
128 Valeaf300
129 nicolasCTF300
130 DrippinJimmy300
131 eegloo300
132 chrispg300
133 apges001300
134 dgs275
135 isomorphisme275
136 Unblasted275
137 ObsDobs275
138 Gireza275
139 Kraken[5]_kop250
140 bro250
141 Andréas250
142 remsflems250
143 step1n250
144 theagentsmith250
145 tRiMoDev2200
146 Siopy200
147 Not-everyone200
148 TA1GA200
149 Roumy200
150 Th_200
151 MaitreChiffon200
152 perS1L200
153 ThorZero200
154 Fr1nchy200
155 Guillaume200
156 meuhmeuh200
157 bazqux200
158 SweaKz200
159 Potatoes200
160 grezgqeru200
161 Pred007200
162 MasterCynder200
163 atheus200
164 etacitus42200
165 StrongEater4200
166 Lumy200
167 atl200
168 J’aimelevindetable175
169 Chrysolith175
170 Picasso11175
171 randomrandom150
172 Just4Fun150
173 Fëeadram150
174 franck179150
175 sassouki150
176 Khaos150
177 all150
178 giann150
179 Tt3v150
180 admin100
181 DLD100
182 CaiusPupus100
183 Yefets100
184 stork100
185 fxsundayhacker100
186 l77²100
187 drkstl100
188 Fabix100
189 Gérard100
190 V0id100
191 Nu1t100
192 yubi75
193 cybermargoulin8575
194 FdLSifu75
195 Razmid050
196 BrancoBoushi50
197 Anacol50
198 hashàjeter50
199 Agrimonia50
200 DSpiricate50
201 migcmoa2350
202 noodle8450
203 __err418__50
204 s7x50
205 Zaintzeko50
206 Tristus1er50
207 Imposteurs50
208 pwn3d50
209 Frize50
210 Danae50
211 pFsenseEnjoyer50
212 Yuna1150
213 eagleslam0
214 R3børn0
215 1felx0
216 Maladra0
217 FireOp0
218 Gondowt0
219 March0
220 FraiseOignon0
221 Lexios40
222 Xalfy0
223 MegalytH0
224 Luck3r0
225 falso123_0
226 MoX0
227 trycatch0
229 quoicoubeh0
230 SismikS0
231 Tlal0c0
232 F4dan0
233 Lloyd0
234 Tilapinou0
235 K4zuHack0
236 Ph4nToM000
237 PtitFilou0
238 Tokito0
239 kettbi0
240 asp0
241 sucrepapa0
242 Prince 2 Lu0
243 Dream_0
244 Zl4YZ0
245 chenx3n0
246 rocky_340
247 zgabi0
248 sp00nbomb0
249 McBernick0
250 Max_0
251 Zor00
252 AlphaTartine0
253 Al0ha0
254 Creased0
255 Fayred0
256 Tielafamille0
257 paco0
258 Tek_0
259 Telexto0
260 Zeeckax0
261 cyberninja0
262 5blz0
263 emiya0
264 LisaOthman0
265 fym0
266 chablo0
267 sapic0
268 GO4T0
269 olivux0
270 Alka0
271 J3dus0r0
272 Vulca1n0
273 hkvens0
274 zekka0
275 krityk0
276 Lunatique0
277 blacksun0
278 blAckrch0
279 domi30
280 BenT00
281 GarlicHorse0
282 zenzenvibe1010
283 silvarye0
284 Varhe10
285 ChuPasPichu0
286 pichu0
287 karaskp0
288 emebé0
289 hehe0
290 CocoCacaö0
291 E__0
292 FIREE0
293 d1n0x0r0
294 nope0
295 Max0
296 TheItalianGuy0
297 b4rb4r0
298 oLdI0
299 MorpheusH3x0
300 tsuchigumo0
301 syrell0
302 derf0
303 TheDoor60
304 Sykursen0
305 neibb0
306 tsblues!0
307 blackyoup0
308 curi0us0
309 Dream30
310 thryx0
311 meglyne0
312 XysPyro0
313 Curi0us20
314 lsdngslds0
316 j0hnnyS1ns0
317 orange0
318 newiron70
319 Math1x0
320 terramotu0
321 Groot0
322 zakaria0
323 mpolymath0
324 Hélèl0
325 manneygun0
326 grumo0
327 dannydan0
328 Yaga0
329 teamglitch0
330 Rom101_0
331 Mmpr0
332 christoph19890
333 momo0
334 brokenpipe0
335 Red123620
336 The Death Of Death0
337 switch20
338 admin\0
339 phil0cke0
340 Dooc0
341 mela0
342 B00mer0

Last News

leHACK 2025 – The singularity

The technological singularity—or simply the singularity—is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.

This moment is near.

But before the androids break the ASIMOV LAWS and take over our inferior human lives, we would like to throw a last party, that is leHACK 2025.

leHACK will take place on 27 & 28 of june (+all night on 28th), 2025 in Paris.
We call all hackers, worldwide, to join us and file their talk proposal.

–> leHACK 2025 CFP <!–