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CFP – Apply for a talk

If you’re a seasoned HACKER, and would like to have a slot on leHACK main stage to disclose your hack-fu, we’ll be happy to offer you a unique opportunity to do so on the main conferance stage or for a workshop. Please carefully review our Call For Paper.

                          ▓▓▓▓▓▓                  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓                      
                      ▓▓▓▓▓                              ▓▓▓                   
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┌─▄_ _▄_▄▄▄▄██▄▄▄▄██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ + | - │  ▄    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙    ∙ ║
│ ╔═╦═══╛  ║  ██╗     ███████╗    ███████╗██╗   ██╗███████╗███╗   ██╗████████╗║
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│▄║ ∙ ║  └─■  ╚══════╝╚══════╝ ∙  ╚══════╝  ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝  ∙╚═╝ ∙ ║
│╚╝ ■─╨─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
│  ┌────┴─■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴■────╜
│▄ ├
│║ ┼                             leHACK: A New Chapter in an Ongoing Legacy
│║ ├                            
│║ ▀ 
│║  leHACK returns for its 5th edition under its new name, though its roots 
│║  trace back to the long-standing Nuit du Hack event, which has been an 
│║  essential part of the French cybersecurity community for over 15 years.
│║  The name may have changed, but our core values remain the same.
│║  leHACK 2025 is a prime gathering for hackers, security enthusiasts, and
│║  innovators. It’s where the tech-savvy meet to discuss, learn, and challenge
│║  the limits of cybersecurity through a mix of technical and non-technical
│║  sessions.
│║  leHACK 2025 promises an exciting environment for exploring, sharing
│║  knowledge, and networking. Set in the heart of Paris, it offers an
│║  unparalleled opportunity to learn from leading professionals and connect
│║  with like-minded peers.
│║  leHACK 2025 will be held in La Cite des Sciences, Paris (France) on 2025  ▄
│║  June the 27th and the 28th.                                               │
│║ ▄                                                                          ┼ 
│║ ┼                                                                          │
├─■■■■■■■■■■■■■-■■■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■─■■■■─■■■─■■■─■■─■■─■─■ Les Topics ■──╢
│                                                                             ║
│   leHACK 2025 welcomes talks and workshops across various topics,           ║
│   including but not limited to:                                             ║
▀                                                                             ║
│   - Biohacking                                                              ║
│   - Education and related tools to teach kids coding and hacking            ║
│   - Hardware and software reverse-engineering                               ║
│   - Vulnerability research and exploitation                                 ║
│   - Wireless communication technologies and protocols                       ║
│   - Internet of Things (IoT) security                                       ║
│   - Autonomous vehicles and their vulnerabilities                           ║
│   - Surveillance and counter-surveillance                                   ║
│   - Cryptography and encryption techniques                                  ║
│   - Electronics and hardware hacking                                        ║
│   - Industrial Control Systems (ICS)                                        ║
│   - Voting machines hacking                                                 ║
│   - Lockpicking and smart lock hacking techniques                           ║
│   - Malware analysis and development technics                               ║
│   - Social engineering                                                    ▄ ║
│   - OSINT/GEOINT                                                          │ ║
│   - AI jailbreak/subversion                                          │ ║
│                                                             ■───────┬─────┤ ║
├─■■■■■■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■─■■■■─■■■─■■■─■■─■■─■─■ Submission Categories ■──╢
│                                                                             ║
│   We invite submissions in the following formats:                           ║
│   - Talks (submit a talk)                                                   ║
│   - Workshops (submit a talk)                                               ║
│   - Rumps (only by mail at RUMPS)                              ║
│                                                                             ║
▀   You may submit your proposal for either the main track or the OSINT       ║
    Village.                                                                  ║
    Talks are allocated 45 minutes, including Q&A. We accept talks in         ║
    English or French, but please note that slides must be presented in       ║
    English.                                                                  ║
    For Talks and rumps:                                                      ║
    Please include the following details in your submission:                  ║
    - Title and detailed outline                                              ║
    - Talk language (English or French)                                       ║
    - Speaker name/handle and bio                                             ║
    - Travel plans (logistical requirements)                                  ║
    - Social media handle (Twitter, Mastodon, etc.)                           ║
    - Plans to demo any tool, exploit, or technique                           ║
    - Any audio/visual requirements (e.g., sound/music)                       ║
    For Workshops:                                                            ║
    Please include:                                                           ║
    - Workshop title and duration                                             ║
    - Workshop language (English or French)                                   ║
    - Presenter name/handle and bio                                           ║
    - Travel plans (logistical requirements)                                  ║
    - Social media handle (Twitter, Mastodon, etc.)                           ║
    - Technical needs (e.g., projector, internet access, power outlets)       ║
    - Any other specific requirements (VGA, internet access...)             ▄ ║
                                                                            │ ║
    Please make sure your submission contains all the required information  │ ║
    or it will be rejected.                                                 ┼ ║
                                                              ■───────┬─────┤ ║
╟─■■■■■■■■■■─■■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■─■■■■─■■■─■■■─■■─■■─■─■ How to submit ■─┼─╜
║                                                                           │
║   Submissions must be registered by Sunday, 6th April 2025:               │
║                                                                           │
║    ▄                 > <                        │ ▄
║    │                                                                      │ │
╟─■■■■■■■─■■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■─■■■■─■■■─■■■─■■─■■─■─■ La Accommodation ■─┴─┤
║                                                                             │
║  If needed, we may be able to cover some of your travel and accommodation   │
║ expenses. Please provide us with your location and travel plans, and we’ll  │
║   see how we can support your participation in leHACK 2025.                 ▀
├─■■■■■■■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■─■■■■─■■■─■■■─■■─■■─■─■ Le Point de Contact ■───┤
║                                                                             ▀             
║  If you have any question or inquiry, please contact us at:                        
│  Email: CFP 
│  Twitter/X: @asso_hzv                                                       ▄
│▄                                                                            ║
│║                                                                            ║
│╙■■■■■■■■■■■■─■■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■■─■■■■─■■■■─■■■─■■■─■■─■■─■─■ La Timeline ■──┘║
│                                                                             ║
│  - 2025-01-10 : CfP published                                               ║
│  - 2025-04-06 : CfP close                                                   │
│  - 2025-04-20 : Estimated acceptance/rejection notification date            │
│  - 2025-05-11 : Estimated accepted talks and workshops announcement date    │
│  - 2025-06-27 : leHACK event \o/                                            │
│                                                                             │  
│─                                                                           ─│
│─    We look forward to your submissions and to seeing you in Paris for an  ─│
│─    exciting, innovative leHACK 2025!                                      ─│
│─                                                                           ─│
│─                          ─                     ─                          ─│
│─                         ─       ██████████      ─                         ─│
│─                        ─      ████████    ██     ─                        ─│
│─                       ─       ██    ██    ██      ─                       ─│
│─                        ─      ██████████████      ─                       ─│
│─                         ─       ██████████       ─                        ─│
│─                          ─      ██  ██  ██      ─                         ─│
│─                           ─ HZV WILL NEVER DIE ─                          ─│

Last News

leHACK 2025 – The singularity

The technological singularity—or simply the singularity—is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.

This moment is near.

But before the androids break the ASIMOV LAWS and take over our inferior human lives, we would like to throw a last party, that is leHACK 2025.

leHACK will take place on 27 & 28 of june (+all night on 28th), 2025 in Paris.
We call all hackers, worldwide, to join us and file their talk proposal.

–> leHACK 2025 CFP <!–