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Active Directory pwnage with NetExec 🇫🇷

Time: 21:30 > 00:00
Location: ZONE 2 - WORKSHOP ZONE - level -2 - Salle C/D

In this workshop I will present the tool NetExec and how to take advantage of the tool to compromise efficiently a domain Active Directory during an internal pentest.

Which feature should I use regarding the attack I need to perform, which command I should try to run first, what should I do when I crab a credentials ? etc

A lab will be provided to each student and the goal will be to become domain administrator using various path and only with netexec !

This workshop is for student who have already play a little bit with an Active Directory or people who want to learn more about the tool and how I use it properly during internal pentest !


Graduate from a Master 2 of Cryptography & IT Security in Bordeaux – France. Full time auditor with 6 years of experience. Passionate & dedicated ! Creator of the Podcast Hack’n Speak !

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