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leHACK 2024 compile!

leHACK aura lieu à la
Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris
– Friday July 5th 09:00 -> 21:00
– All day and night from Saturday 6th 09:00
au Dimanche 7 juillet 2024 à 06::00

2024 = 20

L'édition 2024 sera la 20° édition de leHACK




2024 edition main stage talks lineup.

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2024 edition OSINT VILLAGE stage talks lineup.

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2024 edition workshops.

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conferences TRACKProgramme >

10:00 > 10:15 REVOLUTION!!! FR
10:15 > 11:00 Sending network boxes to the edge of the world for fun but mostly profit FR
11:00 > 11:45 Phishing for Potential: The "RTFM" Guide to Hacking Your Brain-frame EN
11:45 > 12:30 AI for Cybersecurity: Applying Machine Learning to Enhance Malware Analysis EN
12:45 > 14:00 leLUNCH FR
14:00 > 14:45 Découverte du groupe APT-C36 sur les réseaux d'une profession libérale réglementée FR
14:45 > 15:30 Lock designs and security vulnerabilities: What can go wrong EN
15:30 > 16:15 Physical intrusion: Defeating On-Site Security FR
16:15 > 16:30 leBREAK FR
16:30 > 17:15 The Metawar Thesis: How To Adapt to and Coexist with the Technologies We Have Created EN
17:15 > 18:00 Prism, a light BEAM disassembler FR
18:00 > 18:45 Supply Chain Attack : Le cas du Registre Privé Docker FR
18:45 > 19:30 S.E. with A.I. & Defending against it with H.I. EN
10:00 > 10:45 The Red and the Blue: a tale of stealth and detection FR
10:45 > 11:30 Be better than the hacktivist: Structure a campagne of Bruteforce on OT equipment in the internet FR
11:30 > 11:45 leBREAK FR
11:45 > 12:30 Enhancing Training and Pentesting tasks with LLMs: what can and can’t be done FR
12:30 > 14:00 leLUNCH FR
14:00 > 14:45 Trouver sa place dans l'infosec FR
14:45 > 15:30 Hacking Satellites: From SDR to RCE. FR
15:30 > 16:15 Exploration of Cellular Based IoT Technology EN
16:15 > 16:30 leBREAK FR
16:30 > 17:15 A praise to laziness (or why hackers are awesome people) ! FR
17:15 > 18:00 Take your revenge on this fucking EDR FR
18:00 > 18:45 OSINT et journalisme FR
18:45 > 19:00 leBREAK FR
19:00 > 19:45 Insert coin: Hacking arcades for fun EN
19:45 > 20:30 Clés incopiables : contournements, exceptions et paradoxes FR
20:30 > 20:45 OSINT Challenge Prize Ceremony FR
21:30 > 23:30 Qui veut veut gagner des bitcoins ? FR

Dernières Nouvelles

Call for Papers has ended!

We received a large number of submissions, bear with us while we’re scooping across the stack!
We’ll update you on your submission status ASAP!

Thank you!


Early Birds had been raffled!

STANDARD TICKETS are still available but flying away, quick!


leHACK 2024 CFP is opened!

For the 20th year, leHACK will host a prestigious talk lineup.

Wether you are a security researcher, a hacker,a freak, or a unicorn, you can come on stage and share your unique knowledge with your pairs.

Si vous voulez présenter un talk @ leHACK2024, RTFM